[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. April 24

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 24 09:56:22 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, tonight is the opening of Guys and Dolls, so be sure and make 
plans to attend, tonight, Friday night or Saturday night at 7:30.  We 
had a sample of some of the singing from this production, along with 
some other numbers,  yesterday at the Administrative Professional 's 
Luncheon and it was awesome!  Paul Enis, Mary Ford and our talented EOSC 
singers always do a wonderful job and we're always thrilled to get to 
hear a special performance from them.  I believe they said there would 
be only two of them graduating this year, Crystal Needham and Kendra 
Click, and they will be missed, but there will be a great basic group 
returning in the fall so the show will go on.   

Very Happy Birthday wishes go out to Gear-Up's Cheryl Roberts today.  
She is getting one year better.  Don't celebrate too much, Cheryl!

I came back from the Luncheon yesterday to find that I had not gotten 
the note up on the board about the Softball Team's snack sacks, so had 
to hurry and put them together and run them over to the field special 
delivery.  I definitely didn't want Andy and all those girls with ball 
bats mad at me!   (I'm glad they were playing here instead of out of 
town.  I could just see me chasing the bus down the highway with a box 
of food!)

Our menu for today includes:

            Hard shell tacos
            Spanish rice
            Turnip greens
            Seasoned waffle fries
            Spaghetti and meatballs
            Grilled cheese

And for dessert have some yummy Chocolate Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)       
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