[Eoscstudents] Information about Europe trip & early sign-up incentive

Steven Akins sakins at eosc.edu
Tue Apr 29 11:33:51 CDT 2008

I would like to offer this information as a follow up to the previous 
email about the Europe trip the Eastern photography club is taking next 
year. The trip is open to ALL of the Eastern family including students, 
faculty and staff (as well as family members of faculty & staff) so if 
you are interested in going on the trip, please look over the two 
attached word files. One provides the tour information including the 
price and information about the early enrollment incentive that is 
available today and tomorrow while the other one provides the 
instructions for going online to register for the tour.

Please feel free to email me or call me if you have any other questions 
or if you want to know about club fund-raising efforts.

Steven Akins, Photography Club Co-sponsor

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