[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. April 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Apr 29 09:44:11 CDT 2008

Aloha everyone,

No, I'm not in Hawaii, darn it!  That's just to remind you of the Luau 
being thrown by Student Services this evening at the Track Field.  Be 
sure and make plans to attend.  There will be lots of fun and games, and 
luscious food of all kinds.  (My mouth has been watering over here this 
morning seeing all that luscious fresh fruit being prepared, and I have 
to confess, I did have to sample a piece of fresh pineapple and a juicy, 
ripe strawberry.)   The Cafeteria will be closed this evening as the 
workers will be working at the Luau instead of in the kitchen and 
they're all wearing their most Hawaiian looking shirts.  As I said, 
there will be plenty of fresh fruit, sweet and sour chicken, and I hear 
even a roast pig, so get on your "Hawaiian floweredy shirts", your 
shorts and flip flops and come on out! 

Be sure and notice the flower beds between the Student Union and the 
Administration Building, and thank Sheryl Marmon, Physical Plant 
Secretary and Staff Council Secretary, for her efforts in weeding, 
cleaning out and planting them, and new dad Neil Enis, horticulture 
instructor and greenhouse supervisor,  for donating the beautiful 
begonias.   The Staff Council has decided to adopt the flower beds in 
this area to take care of as a way to show our Eastern pride and make a 
visible contribution to our campus.  With graduation coming up on 
Friday, we all need to do our part toward making and keeping our campus 

Our menu for lunch today includes:

          Chicken pot pie
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Fried squash
          Winter blend vegetables
          Chili dogs
          French fries

And for dessert have a hunk of Chocolate Chip Cookie Bar.

Don't forget we won't be serving dinner in the Cafeteria this evening, 
but come to the Luau and get a taste of Hawaii in Oklahoma!

See you at the luau,

Rhoda   :-)

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