[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Aug. 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 11 09:59:39 CDT 2008

Welcome back everyone!

Or just welcome for you new folks!  It's an awfully wet start for the 
new semester, but at least it's not hot!  I knew there would be some 
confusion with the new parking space designations this morning, but I 
didn't count on pouring rain making it even more difficult to figure out 
where you should be going!  I hope I'm parked in the right area.  I had 
to cross two creeks to get to the Cafeteria, but I made it without 
washing away somehow!  My hours have changed starting this week.  I am 
now one of the 8 to 5 crew, where I used to come in from 6 to 3.  I 
really enjoyed the extra time this morning, getting to fight with my 
daughter over the bathroom, and fight all the 8 o'clock traffic coming 
in.  (You do recognize sarcasm when you see it don't you?)  I'm not 
really a morning person, so I didn't enjoy getting up at 5, but it is a 
lot less busy at that hour!  I think this new schedule will be better 
though, since I don't have to be out front cashiering or serving at 
breakfast anymore.  It will put me here where I can get all my many 
questions answered the minute I think them up by people in the Business 
Office who will probably be wishing to put me on graveyard shift so I 
won't have so many questions needing answers. 

Recent birthdays on campus include Jennifer Labor on Aug. 3, Mr. Tracy 
Clark on Aug. 7, LaDonna Howell on Aug. 8, and Buddy Sandefur today, 
Aug. 11.  Feliz Cumpleanos, Buddy!  (I hope I said that right!)  And a 
very Happy Birthday to the rest of you!

In case some of you are wondering why I said "Mr. Tracy Clark", it's 
because we have a new Tracy Clark in town.  A female version.  The new 
Tracy Clark is the new administrative assistant in the Nursing Dept.  It 
would make me sound really old to say I've been friends with her 
grandmother for decades and known of Tracy ever since she was in school 
here at Wilburton, wouldn't it?   (And while some of you may not know 
her, you may know her ornery brother Brian Crockett, but we won't hold 
that against her.)  

Our menu for today includes:
                Baked ham
                Pasta bar
                Scalloped potatoes
                Sweet peas

And for dessert make your own concoction with our Ice Cream and Toppings!

Have a great semester,

Rhoda   :-)    
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