Andy Mace amace at eosc.edu
Mon Aug 11 14:06:12 CDT 2008

I am sending this e-mail on the behalf of several of my returning  
softball and basketball players who have lost a big,  heavy,  long 
board(11 feet 2 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 2 inches thick) from 
their dorm rooms in Miller Hall. Dean Sally Davis and the dorm people 
gave these returning sophomores permission to leave them in their rooms 
as they are very heavy and bulky and it is difficult to get them in and 
out of the rooms. They were used for a shelf that goes across the whole 
room  slightly above the window, from desk-top  to desk-top. . According 
to Terry Green, new housing manager for the Dean in Miller,  they were 
left in the rooms and then put in a storage room in the dorm and locked 
up when those dorm rooms(lst.floor west)  were painted this summer. 
Someone took them out of the storage room?  The boards were bought at 
Wilburton Bld. Center by the students for 18.00 last year or about 15.25 
at Lowe's in McAlester. Several of them had names on the back of the 
board and were painted brown. About 8 of them are missing?
Please let me know if anyone knows the where-abouts of the boards.
Thank you, Coach Mace    Cell# 918-448-2790

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