[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Aug. 20

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Aug 20 09:56:19 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, after being totally out of commission for a couple of days, I'm 
glad to be back at my post.  I always feel bad when I have to be off 
because I know inquiring minds want to know what's for lunch! 

Happy belated birthday wishes go out to Diane Donoley who celebrated her 
birthday on Monday.  I hope she had a great day.

I thought last week that we may have missed the mark on proclaiming this 
"Wet Week" instead of last week, since last week was pretty wet, but 
according to the weather forecasts, this week may turn out to be pretty 
wet also.   Not too bad for August in Oklahoma!   While it shows on our 
calendar that "Water Balloon Battles" had been scheduled for high noon 
at the clock tower, Dana tells me that is looking iffy for today.  
Who'd've thought it would be too wet for "Wet Week" in August?

I read Ann Owens' email about Eastern's Beijing Olympics connection.  Is 
that cool or what?  It's amazing the connections that can occur between 
people, even in far flung areas like this one.  I noticed that last week 
T. Boone Pickens was speaking at McAlester on his proposed energy 
policy.  Even though he's known for making his millions in the oil 
business, he now seems ready and willing to talk about developing 
alternative engergy sources.  Now there's a man we could use a 
connection with!  I hope we had a representative at that meeting!

Our lunch menu for today includes:
                Pork loin
                Meatball subs
                Au gratin potatoes
                Blackeye peas
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Pasta bar
                Fried squash
                Hot rolls
And for dessert you've got to try some of our new recipe:  Strawberry 
Mousse Cake.

For dinner this evening we will be serving:
                Stuffed peppers (these are really good!)
                Turkey wraps
                Steamed red potatoes
                Sweet peas
                Potato chips     
And Cookies for dessert!

Tomorrow's breakfast will feature another new recipe:
             Hash brown ham quiche (can't wait to try that)
             Sausage gravy
             Cinnamon toast

Have a wonderful Wednesday,

Rhoda    :-)      

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