[Eoscstudents] Winning Resumes

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Mon Feb 4 16:58:19 CST 2008

This is just a reminder that SSS will conduct 3 workshops on writing a 
winning resume.  On Wednesday, February 6, there will be a workshop on 
Winning Resumes at 3:00 p.m. in Johnston Hall, Room 130.  June has done 
a great job of getting the best and latest information about this 
important subject.  Also, on Feb. 7th, she will also present the 
workshop at the McAlester Campus.  This will be in Room 111 of the Wanda 
Bass Building at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.  In case of a room assignment 
change, look for the signs!  All SSS participants are strongly urged to 
attend one of these workshops.  It is how you get your points for 
activities in order to get the Grant Aid Scholarship.  If you haven't 
used our services, you won't be considered for the grant, so it is to 
your benefit-in more ways than one-to attend.  McAlester students have 
been clamoring for opportunities to be active in the program--so here is 
your chance!

You can have the best qualifications and credentials, but if you don't 
have a good resume, you won't be considered for most jobs.  99% of 
companies require a resume at the time of application, but most of the 
time, your resume is what determines whether you will get an interview 
or not. June has prepared some practical information and will be using 
a  hands-on format for the workshops.  You will be able to get a feel 
for your own personal resume as well as some good advice on how to best 
present yourself and your skills.

Refreshments will be served.

I hope to see you all there,
Sue Lovett
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