[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Monday Feb. 18

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Feb 18 09:55:08 CST 2008

Hi folks,

Boy, I'm glad it's Monday!  I know you don't hear that very often, if at 
all, but I had a close call this weekend.  We decided Saturday to go to 
Ft. Smith to the mall and somewhere between Poteau and Pocola, where a 
side road joins the highway, there was a car approaching.  I naturally 
thought they would stop, and I kept thinking this right up until I had 
to swerve all the way around them because they didn't stop.   Somehow I 
managed to swerve around that car, not go into the oncoming lane and 
miss the cement median which I was sure would knock something off or out 
of line under my car.  I think it was one of those Carrie 
Underwood/Jesus Take the Wheel moments.  I didn't even have time to 
consult with him though, I was too busy swerving.  And on the way back 
it was raining so hard I thought we'd have to pull over.  If I'd been 
able to find a decent place to do so, I would have.  And how was your 

Tonight is your last chance to see the EOSC Theater Dept. productions of 
The Glass Menagerie and For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls.  I have to 
apologize for getting there a little late Friday evening.  We had a bit 
of a delay in getting there and I forgot all about the audience being 
seated on the stage with the actors.  The Glass Menagerie is a serious 
play, and was really well done, while For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls 
is a spoof of the Menagerie and was totally hysterical.  Robert Miller 
had us absolutely rolling with his silliness.  I still remember seeing 
him in the Mr. Eastern competition, so I already knew he was great at 
acting far out parts, (and I can't hear that song he performed to 
without laughing).  If you have a little spare time this evening, try to 
get out and see these performances.  I guarantee they are memorable. 

Our menu for today includes:

             Tenderized steak
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Broccoli cuts
             Sweet peas
             Baked potatoes
             Hot rolls
             Corn dogs
             Tator tots

And for dessert create your own customized ice cream treat with our Ice 
Cream and Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)
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