[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 8 09:53:34 CST 2008

Hi folks,

Boy, we dodged a bullet last night, not getting slammed by the numerous 
strong tornadic storms that hit a lot of the rest of the state.  The 
wind was pretty bad, and I could see lightning in the distance, but the 
storms never hit us.  About 4:something this morning though, I got 
jarred awake by my herd of lttle dogs starting to bark like crazy.  At 
first, I couldn't figure out what the problem was, then I heard a 
strange thumping coming from the front of the house, and they all fired 
up barking again.  I got up and made my way to the front door and opened 
it, to find our little white fluffy cat right outside.  It had its back 
to the door, so I could only see its tail and body.  Then when it raised 
up, where its head was supposed to be I saw...a Chef-Boyardee Spaghetti 
can!  I don't know how the poor thing got its head in that can and still 
managed to make it back to the front door.  I had to tug the can off its 
head and then it looked like it had been mauled by something, but it was 
just red spaghetti sauce all over its white head and neck.  Maybe if its 
lucky, the rest of them will help clean it up! 

Our menu for today includes:

                Pork loin
                Tamale pie
                French fries
                Blackeye peas
                Turnip greens

And for dessert we have Chocolate and Coconut Pies.

It's getting chillier out so get your jacket on and come on over,

Rhoda    :-)

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