[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Jan. 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Jan 25 09:58:46 CST 2008

Hi folks,

Well, I made it back today after being "under the weather", all 
congested and puny, for a couple of days.  I know they say misery loves 
company but I didn't think anyone would've wanted me to be here the past 
couple of days to share mine with them.   Maybe I'll finish recuperating 
over this upcoming nice weekend if I don't get out and overdo things.  
With the much nicer temperatures they're giving after today, though, 
it's going to be hard not to want to get out and do stuff.

As hard as it is to believe, I think I'm actually starting to see signs 
of Spring approaching, or maybe just some birds gone bonkers.  We've 
been having lots of robins around the house lately.  That's in addition 
to the usually birds that come to my feeders, and my cats have been 
really interested in the robins, since they mostly stay on the ground 
hopping around hunting for worms.  Then  last weekend,  there was a 
flock of bluebirds eating cedar berries from a cedar tree in front of 
our house.   And finally, I believe it was Monday or Tuesday evening and 
I was outside doing some yard work, when I heard a noise I couldn't 
immediately identify.  I thought it was the wind or maybe  an 
approaching shower, but when I listened more carefully, I could tell it 
was birds, lots and lots of birds.  Looking in the direction of  the 
sound, I saw the biggest flock of starlings I'd ever seen.  They were 
coming from the south in a stream and continued coming for several 
minutes, with both ends of the line too far in the distance to make 
out.   There had to have been thousands of them.   I was just amazed.  
Judging by these temperatures in the teens the past few days, they may 
have been a little hasty in leaving  their southern stomping grounds.

Our menu today includes:

                 Crispy cube potatoes
                 Corn on the cob
                  Pinto beans
                   Cornbread pucks
                   Turnip greens
                   Swirly noodles with cheese
                   Chili dogs
                   French fries
And for your sweet tooth today, we have luscious Lemon Bars.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)
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