[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. July 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 2 10:07:03 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Boy, I'm ready for a long weekend, aren't you?  Of course, I'm always 
ready for that, but I'm hoping I'll be in the mood and have time to get 
some more stuff done around the house.  We had a project going last 
night, working on closing up gaps in our henhouse.  Night before last 
something got in there and killed one of our nice big hens and a young 
chicken and got back out without us seeing it or knowing what it was.  I 
suspect a 'possum, but of course can't prove anything as the other 
chickens aren't talking, and the mama hen and her other babies refused 
to roost back in there last night, preferring to roost on the swing 
set.  I even had to help a couple of them up there to her, as they just 
got up so far and sat there cheeping, which is like saying "Free Lunch" 
to any passing nocturnal predator.   The only place we could figure out 
that the critter must've gotten in at was right under the eaves where 
there was a gap between the roof and the wall, so my husband got a chair 
and cut some hardware cloth to nail up there.  I held the flashlight and 
handed him 4 nails at a time, since it worked out that about 3 of them 
would either fly off when he hit (at) them or he would drop them, so 
that left one to actually get nailed into place.  I'll probably be able 
to refill the nailbag by going out there today and picking up all the 
dropped ones from last night.

Our menu for today includes:
             Beef stroganoff
             Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
             Green beans
             Fried squash
             Broccoli cuts
             Baked potato bar
             Hot rolls
             Burritos with chili
             Chicken spaghetti

And for dessert try some Mandarin Orange Cake.

Have a great 4th of July weekend, but be safe not sorry,

Rhoda   :-)
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