[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Thurs. July 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jul 10 10:00:23 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, we won the battle with the chicken snake last night.  I had gone 
out for one last peek to check and make sure nothing was bothering my 
chickens, when I looked up and sure enough, there it was again draped 
along the rafters.  I had to go get my husband out of bed, but I was 
determined he was going to get to see the thing this time.   I don't 
know if it was abnormally long for a chicken snake, but to me it was 
LOOOOOOONG.   Gary's weapon of choice in this battle wound up being a 
narrow (transplanting?) shovel.   His method of attack involved a great 
deal of wild whacking and jumping around to the accompaniment of several 
unrepeatable words regarding his feeling for snakes in general.  It took 
several whacks and jabs to get the snake down from the rafters, during 
which we developed several new ventilation holes in the adjoining shed, 
(shaped perfectly like the end of the shovel.)   During this battle, in 
which my job was mostly to hold the flashlight and stay out of stomping 
distance,  he also called for backup from my garden fork and the 
posthole diggers.  Basically this poor snake (yes, I was starting to 
feel sorry for it by then) was garden tooled to death.  And somehow we 
managed to do all that without having chickens freaking out and flying 
all over the place, or fertilizing our heads, since all this took place 
right underneath their roost.  I guess that did answer his question 
though, "What snake?"

Don't forget to attend the Pie Auction sponsored by the Red Oak Masonic 
Lodge to benefit the Latimer County Arts Council this Saturday evening 
at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak School Cafeteria.   Various pies, cakes and 
other goodies, both edible and non-edible, along with a beautiful 
handmade quilt (made and donated by Mrs. Inger Raunikar), will be 
available to bid on.  The Arts Council is a small, but dedicated group 
of citizens that have come together to bring special cultural, artistic 
and educational programs to the area schools.  Plans are in the works to 
have the Tulsa Opera Company come and perform Hansel and Gretel during 
this coming school year, and several varied musical offerings are being 
planned for throughout the year.  If you cannot attend this event, 
please consider making a donation to support the Council's efforts.  It 
would be greatly appreciated and would go a long way to making a 
difference in the lives of area children.    

Our menu for today includes:
             Chicken fried steak
             Mashed potatoes and white gravy
             Green beans
             Macaroni and tomatoes
             Hot rolls
             Frito chili pie
And for dessert, enjoy an old favorite, Chocolate Cake.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda    :-)
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