[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. July 30

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 30 11:07:55 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

My husband brought home a mini fridge he borrowed from a co-worker 
yesterday and we felt much more civilized immediately.  Destiny and I 
had gone to the store and gotten a few groceries, (mostly small sizes of 
things so they'd fit), and we stocked it up.  Even so it's going to be a 
major relief to have our refrigerator problems solved whenever it 
finally happens.  I hope it doesn't take til Aug. 8th but people lived 
without refrigerators before.  (I don't know how they did it, but they 
did, or so I've been told.)

We had a Building Monitors Meeting to do some Safety Training last week, 
focusing on Fire Extinguisher training and CPR.  I learned that nobody 
better try to die around me because doing all those chest compressions 
long enough and hard enough is hard work!  One important fact that they 
taught us is that the first treatment for a child victim who is found 
not breathing is different than for an adult.  Unlike an adult,  a child 
is much more likely to have stopped breathing because of choking rather 
than a heart problem, so you do not want to use the defibrillator on 
them as quickly as you would an adult.  It sounds like our Emergency 
Team in Mitchell has already had a situation to deal with, what with the 
gas line rupture yesterday and they came through really well, with some 
necessary help from our Maint. Dept.  Good job, Jeanne', Diamond, Sheryl 
and Allen Kendrick.  I hope we don't have an emergency in our building 
anytime soon, because Dana and I found out our batteries in our radios 
won't hold a charge.  We're going to have to get them changed out and 
then we should be ready for anything! 

Our menu for today includes:
             Spaghetti with meatballs
             Mashed potatoes and white gravy
             Green beans
             Scandinavian blend vegetables
             Baked beans
             BBQ on a bun
             Baked beans
And for dessert try some delicious Rocky Road Pudding.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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