[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. June 3

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jun 3 10:03:35 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

It looks like we're in for another warm day in what looks like a line of 
them coming at us, with some possible storms thrown in to make things 
interesting.  The weather report showed a row of temperatures in the 
90's coming up, so stake yourself out a cool spot somewhere.  You'll 
probably be needing it.

Our Upward Bound kids started their summer camp here yesterday, so we've 
got Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math and Science and Gear Up this week.  
Boy, that's a lot of kids to feed (and keep track of)! 

Our little menagerie grew recently when some friends gave us a spare 
male Muscovy duck they had that was having issues with his daddy over 
who was going to be "top duck" on the farm.   At our house he is 
definitely "top duck", since right now he's the only duck we've got.   
We may have to buy him a small swimming pool so he can dabble around 
close to the house and not have to go all the way to the pond.  Then it 
grew even more when our little mama hen hatched out 11 babies this past 
weekend.  It's amazing to me how quickly you start to see hawks flying 
around when you have baby chicks or ducks around peeping.  They must 
have really keen hearing to pick up on that sound from so high up.  
Thank goodness we have our little ones and their mama in a pen where 
nothing can bother them. 

If your kids are looking for something interesting to do this summer, 
try taking them to the Summer Reading Program at the Latimer County 
Public Library, 301 West Ada, Wilburton.  The theme this summer is 
"Catch the Reading Bug" and most of the programs are about bugs, which 
are some interesting little critters.  This Thurs. June 5 at 1:00, 
Magician Russell Turner will be performing, and the kids will get to 
meet Betty the Butterfly, and Willy the Book Worm.  The program is free 
and open to the public, and is a great way to expose your children to 
the joys of reading.    

Our menu for today includes:

          Charbroiled patties with brown gravy
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Black eyed peas
          Winter blend vegetables
          Baby carrots
          Pasta with marinara sauce
          Hot rolls
          Corn dogs
          French fries

And for dessert have a chocolatey favorite, Brownies.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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