[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. June 4

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jun 4 10:11:46 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I had the privilege of doing something yesterday that I guess I kind of 
take for granted, but most folks don't ever get the chance to do.  I 
went to my mom's to help celebrate her 91st birthday.  Most of the women 
in my family tend to be long-lived, I guess,  so it's just something I 
expect to happen.   I'm going to be really ticked off if I don't make at 
least 100!  It's kind of hard to think of something to buy for a person 
that old, too.  By that age, they've got pretty much everything they 
ever wanted, or have room for, and are ready to get rid of half of it.  
I finally decided on a tower type fan because she says she always has to 
sleep with a fan on.  She informed me that she has fans, but I know how 
old most of them are and they could quit at any given moment, so I 
figured it wasn't too bad an idea.  With the heat up close to triple 
digits already, we really need to be careful of our older citizens, 
babies, and any pets that have to be outdoors.  The heat can really take 
a toll on them quickly so check on them often.

For those of you who missed the Employee Recognition Program last week, 
you missed a special event.  It's pretty amazing to think about the 
total years that people have put in here at Eastern.  Cafeteria employee 
Charlie Langford and Technical Guru Keith Lewis have both put in 30 
years apiece here, and Karen Clark is right behind them with 25 years to 
her credit to name just a few.  I have to compliment my fellow Cafeteria 
workers on the wonderful food and strawberry punch that was served at 
the reception.  It was out of this world.  They always do a great job 
and are much appreciated.

Our menu for today includes:

            Indian tacos
            Pinto beans
            Oven fried potatoes
            Cabbage and smoked sausage
            Tuna salad
            Potato chips

And for dessert have an Oreo Cream Bar.

Keep cool,

Rhoda   8-)      
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