[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Thurs. June 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jun 12 10:14:40 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

It's looking like a nice day today with no rain predicted until 
tomorrow, wouldn't you know, with the Relay for Life coming up tomorrow 
night at the Wilburton High School Football Field.  I hope you're all 
planning on attending this worthwhile event, the proceeds of which go to 
the American Cancer Society to help in the fight against this deadly 
disease.  Chances are, if you or someone you know hasn't been affected 
by cancer, you will be in the future.  We all need to participate in the 
fight to help find a cure as soon as possible.  You never know who may 
be cancer's next victim.

If you have kids, be sure and take them to the Latimer County Public 
Library this afternoon at 1:00 to see the program "What's Buggin' 
You-The Fear Factor" presented by the Oklahoma City Zoo.  Learn how the 
strange appearance and habits of insects helps them survive, and 
discover why we need bugs...even if they do scare us.

This weekend is Father's Day so don't forget to do something special for 
your dad this weekend.  (We may have to quit picking on Gary, at least 
on Sunday.)

Belated birthday wishes go out to John Fazekas who celebrated a birthday 
on Monday, June 9.  Hope he had a good one, even if it was a work day.  
And Happy Birthday wishes go out also to Jan Meins who will be 
celebrating a birthday on Saturday and Wendy Hubbard who will be 
celebrating her birthday on Father's Day.

Our menu for today includes:

             Beef Stroganoff
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Pinto beans
             Hot rolls
             Soft tacos
And for dessert have a taste of summer with some Peach Cobbler.

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)
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