[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. June 16

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 16 10:07:31 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I hope you all had a great Father's Day Weekend.  I didn't realize til 
this morning that we had actually had a Friday the 13th, so I guess it 
was nothing to worry about.  The only bad luck I can think of on that 
day was the fact that the Relay for Life got called on account of 
approaching storms at 1:00 or 2:00 that night.  Our hardworking Eastern 
Relay team had definitely made an impression on everyone though, (who 
doesn't notice girls running around in coconut bras and grass skirts?), 
winning best campsite with their "Luau for a Cure" theme and 
decorations.  I hope I don't leave out anyone, but the team included 
Trisha, London and Amanda White, Ali Martinez, Anne Hester, Gwen 
McMillen and Judy Bornheim.  I split my time with the 4H group my 
daughter was with.  They're always a fun group, and managed to win the 
Spirit Stick for the event.   They also managed to win the Ms. Relay 
contest in spite of the entertaining efforts of Eastern's candidate 
"Leila" (aka Robert Miller) who really put on quite a performance, even 
donning a coconut bra and grass skirt, in his, oops, I mean her, efforts 
to sway contest announcer Elvis Presley, (Todd Minshall).

Also, I'd like to report a missing sidewalk.  Evidently the construction 
project, or in this case, the deconstruction project removed the whole 
sidewalk along the East side of the Student Union Building, so don't be 
surprised at having to take a detour around that whole area if you're 
trying to get from the Student Union to the Library Building.   And 
remember to be very careful when you're anywhere near any of the ongoing 
construction areas.  They say you have to break a few eggs to make an 
omelet, but we don't want to break any legs (or anything else) to get 
this new building built.

And the news is still bad for tomato lovers, (myself included), as we 
will still not be serving any fresh tomatoes due to the Salmonella 
scare.  Being a big fan of tomatoes myself, I hope this is resolved 
quickly.  But for cucumber lovers, Irene brought garden fresh cucumbers 
again this year, so if you like a good fresh cucumber call over here and 
let her know you want some. 

Our menu for today includes:
            Steak fingers
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Broccoli cuts
            Macaroni and tomatoes
            Sweet peas
            Baked potatoes
            Hot rolls
            Corn dogs
            French Fries

And for dessert have some delicious Ice Cream and Toppings.  (Be sure 
and try our new flavor...Raspberry Topping.  It's yummy!)

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)     

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