[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. June 17

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jun 17 09:45:14 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, we got rained on again, didn't we?  All this rain and dampness 
caused a near Cat-astrophe at my house yesterday evening, when my little 
wooden table I'd made several years ago that had my little mama cat and 
her two kittens nested up in a wooden box atop it collapsed, sending 
box, babies and all out into the rain.  Fortunately it wasn't coming 
down too hard at the time and I noticed it fairly quickly, so I was able 
to get out there and scoop them up before they got too drenched.  We got 
them snuggled up in a nice dry towel in the house and they were much 
happier. Our chickens are not enjoying all this rain much, either, but 
the duck is fine with it.  He's in his element.      

Maybe this rain will help save some of the plants that had to be 
transplanted from the flower bed at the back corner of the Student Union 
that was affected by the sidewalk removal project.   I'm afraid there's 
not much to be done for the poor trees next to the Fieldhouse though.  
There are about 4 of them in a row, and it looks like all but the first 
one are just about dead.  They seem to be coming up from the base but 
they tops seem to have died for some reason.  I hate to see that happen, 
because in a hot Oklahoma summer, (and you know it'll be here soon), a 
good shade tree can be a lifesaver.  We've really lost a lot of our 
wonderful trees from this area in the past few years, due to ice storms, 
droughts, tornadoes, pests, construction, etc.  If you get a chance to 
plant a tree, it's a great investment in the future.

Belated birthday wishes go out to Betty Wharton, nursing instructor at 
our Idabel campus, who celebrated a birthday yesterday, and Happy 
Birthday wishes for today go out to Katharyn Couch, Criminal Justice and 
Psychology instructor here at our Wilburton campus.
Hope these ladies have a great time.

Our menu for today includes:
                Chicken strips
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Green beans
                Hot rolls
                French fries

And for dessert have some luscious Apricot Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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