[Eoscstudents] Eoscall] ECU Admission and Transfer Day Sign-Up

Alanna Ralls aralls at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 13 13:07:04 CDT 2008

To apply for ECU this fall you will need:

       -Admission Application
       -Official College Transcript
       -$20 Application Fee
       -Spring 2008 Class Schedule

After you have applied, be sure to register for ECU Transfer Day onn 
Wednesday, April 9. This will give you the opportunity to apply with all 
the other junior students and the best class selection.  Below is the 
link that you can do that and it only takes a couple of minutes. Also if 
you want to ride with a group please let me know.  For any students in 
the McAlester area I am more than happy to pick you up at the McAlester 
Campus.  I will be leaving at 9:30 on April 9 from the Wilburton 
Campus.  We should return later that evening at around 5-6pm.  You will 
be able to enroll, speak with financial aid, housing, etc. if you plan 
on riding with the group.  If you do not ride with the group, be sure to 
complete the admission process and register for transfer day.


If you have any questions, please let me know.


Alanna Ralls
Transfer Enrolllment Manager
aralls at eosc.edu
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