[Eoscstudents] Grant Aid Scholarship

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Fri Mar 28 16:53:53 CDT 2008

It is time for the Grant Aid Scholarship application.  In order to 
apply, SSS students need to come by my office, Room 115 in Johnston Hall 
to sign up.  Your signature is all that is required.  Once I have those 
signatures, I will send the names to Financial Aid to check on Pell 
Grant and Unmet Need qualifiers. 

Come and sign up if you are an SSS participant who joined the program in 
the fall of 2007.  Students who signed on in the program before that 
time were given the opportunity last semester to sign up.  If you feel 
that you were not contacted last semester and should have been, please 
come by and we will look into it. 

Remember that the students must meet guidelines, and those guidelines 
will determine eligibility.

Any questions you have can be answered by calling me at 918-465-1823 or 
by coming to my office.  I will be out of the office on Monday, March 31 
through April 2, but will be happy to hear from you on Thursday.  The 
sign-up sheet will be in my office.

Sue Lovett
Student Support Services

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