[Eoscstudents] Grant Aid Follow-up

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Fri Mar 28 17:34:30 CDT 2008

I neglected to mention that there is a cut-off date for signing up and 
that is April 18 for the Grant Aid Scholarship.  The students who 
qualify will be receiving a pell grant, have at least $400 in unmet need 
through financial aid, and an active participant in the SSS program.  I 
will be out of town Monday through Wednesday next week, but June Haynes 
or Kathy Howe will be able to help you.  June's extension is 822 and 
Kathy's is 860.

Some students do not use the tutoring lab or any of our services because 
they feel they are doing OK on their own, but we still have to require 
that the students participate because we are only funded for 250 
students. The vast majority of students at Eastern qualify, so when 
students who are participants do not use the services, they are taking 
the opportunity away from others who are not in the program but could 
be.  When you think about it, all scholarships have a requirement.  
Sometimes it is just good grades, other times it is dependent on the 
major your in or any number of things.  Ours does not require that the 
students make high grades, but participation in the project is what 
keeps us funded.  We have to report on the students activities to the 
feds, so come in and let us help even it is just to attend a workshop or 
go on a trip. 

Sue Lovett
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