[Eoscstudents] Scholarships and Snack N Study

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Thu May 1 10:20:36 CDT 2008


Scholarship forms are available at the Student Support Services Offices 
in Johnston Hall for all participants who are interested in receiving a 
scholarship from ODSA (Oklahoma Division of Student Assistance).
If you are a participant in the SSS program and would like more 
information, please call Sue Lovett @ ext 823, or June Haynes @ ext 822, 
or come by our offices, Room 115 or 111.  You can also talk to Kathy 
Howe or Cindy Waldrop if you prefer.


Tonight at Snack N' Study we will be celebrating the graduates in SSS 
with cake :-) .  Please come by and get a piece of cake and also do some 
much needed studying or catch up on the assignments you are still 
needing to turn in.  We also have a drawing each night for a door prize.

See you there!

Sue Lovett
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