[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed May 7 09:56:17 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, we're midway through finals week and I'm sure quite a few of our 
graduates are getting ready to leave Eastern and get on with the rest of 
their lives.  Some may realize how precious these last few days here 
really are and stick around the rest of the week saying goodbyes, and 
making more memories to take with them when they do move on.  And I'm 
sure the faculty is ready to heave a sigh of relief and start their 
summer break, which somehow is never as long as it seems like it should 

My crew and I went to the Wilburton High School and Jr. High Spring 
Vocal Concert yesterday evening and enjoyed some fine performances by 
some talented young singers and musicians.  I hope to see some of these 
talented young entertainers attending Eastern and participating in our 
musical and theatrical productions in the future.      

Don't forget to come and check out the Jewelry Sale in the East 
Cafeteria today.  Mother's Day is this Sunday and you know Mom would 
love to have a new piece of jewelry to show off, especially  if it comes 
from one of her favorite people in the world, her child.  

And here's my daily reminder that we're not going to be serving dinner 
in the Cafeteria this Friday evening.  You will need to pick up a sack 
lunch in the Cafeteria before 2:00 on Friday if you want to eat here.

Our menu for today includes:

          Roast beef
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Green beans
          Glazed carrots
          Tuna salad
          Ham salad
          Pimiento salad

And for dessert have some delicious Chocolate Delight!

Have a great day,
Rhoda        :-)
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