Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed May 21 13:01:13 CDT 2008

Attention Dorm Students,

If you will be staying on campus and intend to eat in the Cafeteria any 
time this weekend that I've indicated below we will be closed, please 
come to my office in the Cafeteria and get vouchers as soon as possible 
for the times we will be closed or call me at Ext. 712, or call the 
Student Services Office, Dana Ext. 818, or Sally Ext. 756,  to notify me 
to make vouchers out for you to be left with the Student Services 
Offices.   I will be here until 3:00 today and plan on being off 
tomorrow and Friday.
We will be closed for the following meals:      Thursday May 22, Dinner
    Friday May 23, Breakfast and Lunch
    Sunday May 25, Breakfast and Dinner

Sorry for the short notice, but please spread the word to any others you 
think may need vouchers.


Rhoda Watkins

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