[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed May 28 10:01:27 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I hope you all made your way in through the fog alright this morning.  
It was definitely a challenge in places, especially if you had to drive 
several miles, as visibility was down to a couple of car lengths ahead, 
and then it was like you were driving into a cloud.   Not the best thing 
to encounter when you're trying to hurry to work in the morning. 

Much congratulations to new Granny Karen Darby on her new grandson, 
Kanaan.  I know we'll be seeing baby pictures before too long and 
hearing lots of cute baby stories.  (That's a requirement, isn't it?  
And she'll have to get a Grandma's Brag Book too for all those pictures 
of him sleeping, smiling, crying, laughing, and all the other 
interesting expressions babies come up with that we think mean 
something, and that usually just turn out to mean they need to burp.)

Please make plans to attend the Employee Recognition Ceremony and 
Reception  tomorrow at 4:00  to help show appreciation to the various 
campus employees who have earned recognition for their dedicated years 
of service to Eastern Oklahoma State College.   Without dedicated 
employees who are committed to the success of Eastern, this institution 
could not move in a positive direction and they deserve our thanks for 
their hard work and efforts on behalf of Eastern.

Our menu for today includes:

                Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
                Navy beans
                Hot rolls
                Hot ham and cheese on a bun
                Potato chips
And for dessert have a yummy Chocolate Brownie!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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