[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Fri. Nov. 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Nov 7 10:11:41 CST 2008

Hi folks,

If you see any of the "ladies" who participated in the Mr. Eastern 
contest last night, be sure and give them a pat on the back for having a 
sense of humor, being good sports, and entertaining us all.   They put 
on quite a show, with "Shaniqua"? Jackson, the NAACP candidate coming 
out the winner.  He/she was a knockout doing a Tina Turner impression in 
a long blond wig and a short red dress.  (Note for future reference:  
Make sure your fringe is long enough to cover  everything  before you 
start shimmying.) 

I hope to see quite a few of you at the Hall of Fame Banquet honoring 
Col. Bill Lewark of Clayton this evening at Pete's Place in Krebs.  I'm 
looking forward to that wonderful Pete's Place food!

Since Ruth Brelsford says she prefers to keep her birthdays quiet and 
low key, I didn't announce that she was having one yesterday, but she 
did, so if you see her you
can wish her belated birthday happiness.  And if you want to be ahead of 
the game, you can wish Marci O'Donley a happy birthday for tomorrow. 

Don't forget about the Parade  Saturday morning and the Tailgate Party 
here from 11:30 to 1:30.  In order to encourage more people to attend 
it, the Cafeteria will be closed that day until the dinner meal.

Also, Sunday will be our last Sunday Buffet.  We appreciate all of you 
who have come out and eaten with us and hope you have enjoyed your 
visits here.   You will still be able to come out and eat with us on 
Sundays or other days, it just will not be served buffet style.  

Our menu for today includes:
                 Chicken poppers
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Black eyed peas
                Winter blend vegetables
                Baked potato bar
                Meat and cheese nachos

And for dessert have a yummy Chocolate Brownie!

Have a great Homecoming Weekend!

Rhoda  :-)

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