[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Nov. 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 10 10:44:16 CST 2008

Hi folks,

I know everyone is breathing a sigh of relief that Homecoming  and all 
the hard work that went with it is over.  It's kind of like having 
relatives visit.  You look forward to seeing them and enjoy them for a 
while, but then you're ready for  them to go home.   I got to attend the 
Hall of Fame Dinner Friday evening and hear the many interesting stories 
told by Col. Lewark, this year's inductee.  It's good to know that it is 
possible for someone from humble beginnings to become such a success in 
life. We also got to attend the Homecoming Parade Saturday morning.  And 
I can't believe I forgot who the girl was that dinged my husband right 
between the eyes with a piece of candy thrown from one of the parade 
floats, but if she's not on the softball team, they really need to 
recruit her!  She is deadly accurate.  (Good job, I've wanted to do that 
before myself!  He wouldn't have taken it nearly so well from me 
though!)  And finally our new Mountaineer mascot officially has a name.  
Buckskin Bob was walking along the parade route handing out blue and 
gold beads.  Congratulations to the new Homecoming King and Queen, Sam 
Eden representing the Aggie club, and Emily Hassler, representing Honors 
and PTK. 

As many of you know, our Student Union custodian, John Calhoun, passed 
away this past Saturday.  His funeral will be today at 2:00 at Quinton, 
graveside services only.   Much sympathy goes out to his family from his 
Eastern family.

Our menu for today includes:
                Roast beef
                Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
                Baked potato bar
                Sweet peas
                French fries
                Hot rolls

And for dessert have some luscious Strawberry Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)      
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