[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Nov. 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 12 10:12:38 CST 2008

Hi folks,

It looks like some fairly cool weather is on the schedule for the rest 
of this week and this weekend, with tomorrow being the warm spot with a 
predicted high of 73.  That's just about perfect to me, but it goes 
downhill from there.  There looks to be a slight chance of rain almost 
every day for the next week or so, but maybe we'll be lucky and dodge 
those raindrops.  My cats don't much like getting wet.   Then when you 
open the door they all want to run inside.  Some of them are really good 
at it, too.  They know just how to sneak past you when you're occupied 
with a different one.  I always have to put food out before I can come 
to work in the morning so I can get out the door without running back in 
to gather up cats!   I've always heard people talk about "herding cats" 
and I can testify from personal experience, it is hard!

Here's a "Heads Up" for all you dorm students:  The Cafeteria will be 
closed during Thanksgiving Week, starting Tues. Nov. 25 through Sun. 
Nov. 30.  (We will still have to be here on Mon. Nov. 24 due to ball 
games and the teams having to be on campus that day.)  We will resume 
our regular hours on Mon. Dec. 1. 

Happy slightly late Birthday Wishes go out to Kay Langham who celebrated 
a birthday yesterday.  I hope she had a great one.  I don't really know 
her, but I know enough members of her family that I almost feel like I 
do.  Man, I could tell her some stories...

Our menu for today includes:
                Chicken pot pie
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Green beans
                Refried beans

And for dessert have some Boston Cream Pie or some Banana Pudding (while 
quantity lasts).

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)    

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