[Eoscstudents] FYI: Math 2113 - Statistics left off Spring schedule by accident

Brenda Kennedy bkennedy at eosc.edu
Wed Nov 12 13:10:20 CST 2008

For Your Information:


Students who enrolled in the Online section of Elementary statistics
(Agriculture majors) because the Math section of Statistics wasn't available
in the classroom on the Wilburton campus can change that if you wish.  My
section of Statisitcs with the Math prefix was left off the Math schedule by
accident. It is now fixed and the section with the synonym is listed below
for your information. If you enrolled online and wish to take the class in
the classroom the time is T/Th at 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in Mitchell 201.
Make sure you check with your Advisor and then you can do a drop/add and
make the change with the registrar's office. 


MATH-2113-0250 (1278) Business <javascript:void(0);>  Statistics 

01/12/2009-05/15/2009 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 10:00AM - 11:30AM, Mitchell
Hall, Room 201


If you questions or need help in making the change, please feel free to give
me a call or e-mail. Phone and e-mail is listed below.


Brenda Kennedy, 


Department Chairman

Computer Information Systems

Eastern Oklahoma State College

Office - Mitchell 115B

Office Phone: 918-465-1745

e-mail: bkennedy at eosc.edu


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