[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Nov. 17

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 17 09:41:02 CST 2008

Hi folks,

How quickly the weekends go by!  It's going to be nice to get this week 
out of the way and have a week off to get some stuff done at the house.  
Granted, I may have to chase everyone and everything away to make any 
progress with that, but whatever it takes.   My daughter who is supposed 
to go take her permit test today, will probably be wanting to go 
driving.   It's a good thing the price of gas has gone down some.  Maybe 
now I can afford the nerve pills I'll need to get through this exciting 
chapter of our lives!  Wish me luck.

Remember, you can get a flu shot here in the East Cafeteria from 11:00 
to 1:00 if you haven't had yours yet this year.  Better safe than 
sorry.  Wouldn't you hate to have the flu during your week off?   The 
Latimer County Health Department will be providing these shots free of 
charge, but any donations you could make would be greatly appreciated 
and possibly help keep the free flu shot program going another year.

Belated birthday wishes go out to our own Susie Smith, formerly of the 
Coffee Shop.  Just her luck, she wound up spending her birthday out here 
working Saturday.  And today's birthday wishes go out to Karen Darby, of 
our Wilburton campus, and her twin sister Kelly Bogard, of the McAlester 
campus.  Are they just too ornery when they get together, is that why we 
keep them separated?  Anyway, I hope they both have a very happy birthday.

Blaine Villines, and his security staff along with several of us 
Building Monitors and various other interested individuals attended an 
Active Shooter class here on Saturday morning.   Your dearest hope is 
never to have to use anything you learn in a class like this one or a 
CPR class, but like I said earlier, better safe than sorry.

Our menu for today includes:
             Steak fingers
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             California blend vegetables
             Baked potato bar
             BBQ wieners
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, have some yummy Ice Cream with a variety of Toppings to 
choose from. 

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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