[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Nov. 20

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Nov 20 10:16:59 CST 2008

Hi folks,

Well, it's just one more day for most of you til you are off for a whole 
week!  Some of the Cafeteria workers have a little longer to go, since 
we'll have to be open this weekend and then again on Monday due to 
basketball games that are keeping the ball teams, cheerleaders, etc. on 
campus a little longer.  After that though, we'll all be able to be off 
and go home and enjoy the break with our families.  Now there's 
something to be thankful for!

I'm not real thrilled with the weather forecast.  They're saying it's 
supposed to be cold, windy and then colder.  I don't like the sound of 
any of that.  Mildred and I were down in the freezers doing inventory 
this morning, so we've already had a preview of cold and colder.  It's 
not pretty.  In case some of you wonder what my job consists of besides 
sending out the daily menu and of course my silly comments, a good 
amount of time close to the end of the month is spent doing inventory; 
writing down every bit of food and supplies we have in stock and how 
much it all costs.  Of course, when we're doing the freezers, only part 
of that time is spent writing down items and prices, the rest is spent 
warming up my pen, (until I give up and use a pencil because the pen 
froze up), thawing my fingers and feet, and defogging my glasses.  
Inventorying the freezers feels like working outdoors in the Arctic 
without the blizzards and polar bears.  I'm hoping in the new building 
we have a scanning system so that "doing inventory" will be obsolete.  
Since Mildred and I both have asthma, she decided we should wear  masks 
this time so that we wouldn't breathe in as much cold air.  I couldn't 
decide if we looked like we were about to do surgery or rob the place. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Burritos with chili and cheese
             Refried beans
             Mexican rice
             Corn dogs
             French fries

And for dessert have a hunk of an old American favorite, Chocolate 
Cake.  (Sorry, after that Mexican menu, I bet you were all expecting 
sopapillas, weren't you?)

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)
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