[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Oct. 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Oct 9 09:51:23 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I finally got my computer to act right yesterday.  I resorted to the old 
stand by remedy of turning it off and back on again.  I guess it just 
wanted a do-over for the day.  It worked fine after that.   (And I 
didn't even have to bother anyone else about it!  See you tech guys can 
be glad you dodged that bullet!)

I will be out of pocket tomorrow as I will be attending the OACC 
(Oklahoma Association of Community Colleges) Convention in Oklahoma 
City, along with Helen Scott, Kim Pendergraft and  Carla Rogers.  I 
believe they will be discussing various innovative ideas that are being 
implemented at other state community colleges, so I'm hoping we can 
bring back some good borrowed ideas that will be of benefit to Eastern.

Tonight is the opening night of Godspell, put on by our Theater Dept. 
under the direction of Melissa Heath-Lee.  I can't wait to see it!  It 
will also run tomorrow night and Saturday night.  According to Melissa, 
there will be judges from the Kennedy Center/American College Theater 
Festival there on Saturday night as the students are competing in that 
event so come and let those judges know how much we enjoy our Theater 
Dept's wonderful performances. 

There's absolutely no excuse for anyone with a few bucks to have to stay 
home and be bored on Saturday night.  There's just too much going on!  
Godspell will be having its final performance here on campus at 7:30, 
Brenda Lumpkins will be in concert at the Presbyterian Church at 7:00, 
sponsored by the Latimer County Arts Council who will use the proceeds 
to bring various arts programs to the 4 county schools, and in Talihina 
we will be having our Bands for Boards concert, also at 7:00, featuring 
Oversoul and Falling Crossways.  Proceeds for this will be put toward 
building a skate park in Talihina.   Everyone needs to get out and take 
advantage of these wonderful local, live entertainment opportunities 
this weekend.  Don't just sit around complaining there's nothing to do 
here, I've just proven that wrong.    

Our menu for today includes:
             Dorito bake
             Green beans
             Fried potatoes
             Refried beans
             Fish sticks
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have some Chocolate Cake or White Cake.

Have a great day and weekend,

Rhoda    :-)

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