[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Oct. 22

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Oct 22 10:23:12 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

I'm still waiting for that 90% chance of rain that was predicted for 
today.  I just looked outside and it looks suspiciously like sunshine 
instead.  Maybe the rain's like me, just running perpetually behind.

The gas line break on campus kind of put a kink in the cooking over here 
yesterday, but I think everything's back under control now.  It did 
serve to remind me, and several others I bet, of the importance of  
having the little emergency walkie talkies that were issued  to all the 
Emergency Response Team members on campus in the office every day.  
Ours, (mine and Dana's), didn't work at first, so we had to get that 
issue taken care of,  and I really didn't get in the habit of going and 
getting it to have in the office every morning from the start like I 
should have.  Then yesterday when the emergency call went out and I went 
to get mine out of Dana's office, Sally and Dana were busy elsewhere and 
the office was locked so I couldn't get in to get it.  That'll teach me, 
but I did go first thing this morning and got mine so I'd have it 
ready.  Of course it helped to remember that we were having a Building 
Monitors meeting today at lunch, and when I saw all those BP, etc. 
trucks parked on campus, I knew there would be a lot of activity around 
today, so I'd better be prepared for anything.

Destiny and I had gone to take her boyfriend back home yesterday evening 
when my husband called and said, "You'll never guess what happened."  I 
knew from his tone it probably wasn't a good thing either.   He had run 
to town  while we were gone  and just before he got back home some deer 
ran across the highway in front of him, and with a vehicle coming at him 
in the other lane and one behind him he couldn't go anywhere to avoid 
hitting it.   Of course it killed the poor deer and did a fair amount of 
damage to the front of his pickup.  He wasn't hurt, just startled pretty 
good and aggravated, (and lucky, really, it couldn've been much worse.) 
  I told him next time I leave him at the house, stay there.  

Our menu for today includes:
             Indian tacos
             Pinto beans
             Crispy cube potatoes
             Baby carrots
             Hot ham and cheese on a bun
And for dessert, have some luscious Strawberry Shortcake.

Have a great day, and watch out for deer and other animals crossing the 

Rhoda   :-)

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