[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Sept. 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Sep 9 10:05:21 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Well, we've officially gone out of the chicken business at my house, at 
least until we get a better henhouse and maybe a good critter-proof pen 
for them.  We wanted to have chickens to keep down the bug population 
(mostly ticks), but all that's happening is that something, (raccoons 
and who knows what), is keeping down our chicken population.  The little 
hen I rescued yesterday morning was evidently my last one.  I left her 
in a pet carrier all day yesterday, then took her to a friend's house 
yesterday evening to live with her chickens.  She has a really good 
setup with chain link fences that keep all the critters away from her 
chickens, ducks, etc. so the poor little traumatized hen ought to be 
safe there.   Of course when we put her down in amongst her new flock, 
the fighting started.  One of the resident chickens came up and pecked 
at her and the fight was on.   She'd had a bad day after all, getting 
rudely jarred awake at 6:00 or so in the morning by something biting 
into her trying to drag her off for breakfast, then being dropped in the 
wet grass, and scared half to death by her rescuer, grabbed up again, 
put into a cat carrier and left for the day with 5 little dogs all 
coming around sniffing and peeking in at you, and probably barking, so 
she wasn't about to put up with any bullying from some little upstart 
hen half her size!  Of course, she had to take on several of them before 
they figured they'd better leave her alone.  No wonder she was grouchy!

The weather looks a little iffy outside today, like it might rain or it 
might not.  I'm definitely relieved that the heat wave seems to be gone 
for the year.  I hope it doesn't rain this weekend, as we have a family 
reunion to go to and it's an outdoor thing. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Roast beef
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Baked beans
             Pasta bar
             Tuna salad
             Potato chips
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have some yummy Apple or Cherry Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)     
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