[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. April 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 2 10:07:03 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

It's Biggest Loser weigh-in day once again and I don't feel any 
lighter.   I got a rather extreme haircut a couple of days ago though, 
so maybe if hair weighs a lot that'll help.   (Well, I can hope 
anyway!)  I did resist having one of those delicious maple doughnuts 
this morning, and honestly, if it hadn't been for knowing I was going to 
have to go weigh today, I'd've probably gone ahead and indulged. 

According to the Weather Channel we're under a wind advisory, so batten 
down the hatches.  It may get rough out today, and then a cold front is 
supposed to blow through sometime this afternoon.    Tomorrow looks 
better and Saturday even better still though, so at least we have 
something to look forward to.

Our menu for today includes:
             Spaghetti with meat sauce
             Steamed red potatoes
             Broccoli with cheese sauce
              Seasoned rice
              Vegetable blend
              Garlic rolls
              Baked potato bar
              French fries
And for dessert have some of that luscious Peaches and Cream Cake.  
(That'll make you go off your diet, but it's wonderful!)     

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)   
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