[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. April 20

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 20 10:10:53 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

If you missed the picnic Saturday, you missed a good time, in spite of 
the predicted bad weather.  It was actually pretty nice, if somewhat 
cloudy.  At least we didn't get sunburned.  It did wind up drizzling on 
us some, but we were able to get inside the shelter and keep giving out 
those door prizes!  Our Student Union Custodian, Charlie Lyons, won the 
high dollar prize of a digital camera.  I had told him the day before 
that he should come to the picnic, and I bet he's glad he listened to me 
now.  (Now if he could just convince my husband what a good idea that 
is!)  I think retired Teddy Marmon and Dave Baudour took the Horseshoe 
prize and Tim Talley and Sheryl's grandson won the Washer Toss.  All in 
all it was a lot of fun, but what a relief for the Staff Council that 
it's over and we can quit stressing and obsessing over it for a good 
long while now!

The Green Frog Festival was enjoyable too.  Friday evening we went down 
after work and everything was about to blow away!  That was definitely 
not the best day to be there!  People were hanging onto their tents, 
their merchandise and whatever else wasn't nailed down to keep from 
getting blown away.  Saturday after the picnic was much better for being 
out and enjoying the festival. 

Our menu for today includes:
                 Spaghetti and meat sauce
                Garlic bread
                Chicken fried steak
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Sweet peas
                Baby carrots
                Winter blend vegetables

And for dessert create your own Ice Cream Concoction with our Ice cream 
and Toppings.

Have a  great day,

Rhoda    :-)
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