[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. April 21

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Apr 21 09:37:56 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

We've got New Student Enrollment on campus today, so let's show them 
Eastern at it's best.  We know this is a great place for them to start 
their futures, we just need to let them know it! 

It looks like this week is going to be a real Spring weather week.  
Every day coming up looks like it will be in the70's or 80's.  I've seen 
so many signs of Spring lately that I was already convinced.  Between 
hearing my first whippoorwill of the year last week, seeing the 
beautiful dogwood trees in the woods bloomed out, a flock of geese 
flying north for the summer and our pond lined with tiny tadpoles, I 
knew it wouldn't be long before the weather figured out how it was 
supposed to act.  The weather was so nice yesterday evening I even got 
out and redirected my clematis vine so it would go up the archway and 
not down the fence.   Man, if you don't live in the country, see all the 
great stuff you miss out on?

Be sure & make plans to attend Eastern's 100th year celebration tomorrow 
on the front lawn.  This is a momentous occasion, after all it's not 
every day that anyone or anything turns 100 years old!  The McAlester 
campus will also be celebrating it's 10th anniversary on Friday.  
(They're just a little behind the rest of us, 90 years or so, but are 
doing great things and making a difference in people's lives.)

Our menu for today includes:
                Hamburger steak
                Scalloped potatoes
                Green beans
                Winter blend vegetables
                Baby carrots
                Fish sandwich
                Potato chips

And for dessert, have some Apricot Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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