[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Aug. 4

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Aug 4 09:54:25 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

We've had some of the students in checking out our new facility and 
eating one of our wonderful waffles.  They seemed pretty happy about 
getting to have waffles more often.  We always had requests to have them 
more often when we were in the old building, but just couldn't manage 
it.  In the new building, we have an area specially set up for that very 
purpose, and I'm thinking it'll be getting a lot of use very soon.

I hated to tell Pat Bolin-Ratliff this yesterday, but the future little 
zoology class mascot, Mark or Caroline, the hamster that was found 
abandoned in one of the apartments is now running loose in my house!  
Perhaps that's how the little critter got abandoned in the first place.  
He/she somehow managed to push one of the climbing tubes off his cage 
and make his escape yesterday morning, and hasn't been seen since, by 
any of us humans anyway.   Amberly told me she hopes he doesn't end up 
in my couch, and I told her I really hope he doesn't end up in one of my 
dogs!  They didn't seem too interested in him when he was in his cage, 
but running loose in the floor might be another matter.   Does anyone 
know where a hamster would go if it had free run of the place?  I sat 
his cage down in the floor hoping he'd come back to it for food or 
water, but perhaps he's still giddy with his new found freedom, and 
isn't "homesick" yet.  I'm kind of surprised my little Ginger hasn't 
hunted him down and "mothered" him.  She thinks she's mama to 
everything, mainly kittens, but maybe a hamster would substitute in a 
pinch, if he didn't get scared and bite her nose!  Wish us luck with our 
hamster hunting. 

Our menu for today includes:
                Steak fingers
                Chicken strips
                Tacos (hard shell)
                Cheese nachos
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Green beans
                French fries

And for dessert have some Banana Cake or a Cookie.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)     
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