[Eoscstudents] [Fwd: [Eoscall] WebCt workshop] correction

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Thu Aug 13 12:19:31 CDT 2009

Please note the room number on Wilburton Campus should be 117 instead of 
Thank you,
Sue Lovett

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Eoscall] WebCt workshop
Date: 	Thu, 13 Aug 2009 09:26:22 -0500
From: 	Sue Lovett <slovett at eosc.edu>
To: 	eoscall at lists.onenet.net

Kathy Couch presented a wonderful and informative workshop in McAlester 
yesterday on using WebCt and Web Advisor.  It was hands-on, and Kathy 
was easy to follow.  She was very patient with us, and took the time to 
make sure we were in the right area and fully understood each step. 

My only regret was that it was not better attended.  I know there are 
students who are going to be getting frustrated because they can't get 
logged in or they can't attach their homework to send their instructor, 
so I want to make you all aware that the workshop will be repeated here 
in Wilburton and in Idabel. 

I hope more students will participate.  For SSS students, this workshop 
is sponsored by the Student Support Services program, and it will count 
toward your required activities for the program.  This is important 
because meeting that attendance requirement enables you to apply for the 
Grant Aid Scholarship through the SSS program.

There are 4 more opportunities to attend.  The next meetings will be on:
Monday, August 17th at 3:00 pm and again at 4:30 pm. in Idabel.
Tuesday, August 18th at 1:00 p.m. and again at 2:30 pm in Room 117 in 
Mitchell Hall here on the Wilburton Campus.

We invite and encourage all SSS participants and freshmen to attend, but 
anyone can attend who may need to know this information.  Using WebCt 
and Web Advisor is vital to your success at Eastern.

Hope to see you at one of the workshops!

Sue Lovett, Director
Student Support Services
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