[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Dec. 1 Grill Open!

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Dec 1 10:05:27 CST 2009

Happy December everyone,

And it feels like it, too!  Brrrr!  At least I did get my car thawed out 
before I had to jump in it and go this morning, though, so I wasn't 
looking out through a hole in the frost for the first mile or so.  (I am 
somewhat trainable.)   I can tell it's getting colder out when only my 
fuzzy dogs want to go outside.  The chihuahuas and the chiweeny go to 
the door, look out, turn and go back to their warm spot as if to say, 
"Never mind, we'll wait for spring."  I don't blame them.  That's pretty 
much my sentiment also. 

Don't forget about the Faculty/Staff Christmas Reception to be held 
today from 4-5 in the Ballroom.  All employees are invited to attend the 
festivities, and enjoy the great food provided by the President and 
prepared by our Cafeteria crew, and visit with some of the employees you 
don't see all that often.  We so often wind up just staying in our own 
little part of the world that there are people we know that work here 
that we never see til there's a gathering like this one.  It's good to 
catch up with old friends every so often, and today's your chance.  
According to Marci's email, you may close your office to attend this 
gathering.   There will be door prizes, too, so you might get more than 
you bargained for today!

This Saturday, there will be a presentation on the Art and History of 
Weaving at the Gallery downtown across from Adelita's, from 2-4 and 
again from 7-9.  This program is co-sponsored by the Oklahoma Humanities 
Council, the Latimer County Arts Council and the Gallery, and includes 
some hands-on participation, as well as displays of woven items by 
artist Sandra Midgett, who will be giving the program.

Between these 2 programs, Santa Claus will make his appearance in the 
annual Wilburton Christmas Parade, so be sure and bring the kids and 
come see the jolly old elf himself as he makes his yearly appearance in 
Wilburton once again.

Then Sunday, Dec. 6, Paul Enis and the EOSC music department will 
present the 83rd annual Candlelighting here at Eastern.  Please come and 
join them in a celebration of the Christmas season.  There will be a 
performance at 5:00 and another at 8:00, so pick whichever one suits 
your schedule.

And for you Grill fans, we will be serving off the grill again today.

Our menu today includes:
       Pork chops
       Scalloped potatoes
       Turnip greens
        Indian tacos
        Pinto beans
        Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a flashback to summer with the taste of Blackberry 

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)



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