[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Dec. 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Dec 9 09:30:02 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Brrr!  I think we've barely been able to scrounge up enough heat to even 
have a temperature today!  Glad I'm inside looking out instead of the 
other way around!  (Of course, sometimes it's cold enough in here I have 
to go outside to warm up, but I don't think today would be one of those 

Today is the FINAL Biggest Loser weigh-in for this semester!  If you 
haven't lost your extra weight by now, you'll just have to try again 
next time.  Of course the winner won't be announced until next week, 
(that ought to add some suspense, don't you think?)  Be sure and go over 
and get your final loss on record to have a shot at winning. 

And if you're a building monitor or on any of the Emergency Management 
Teams, please BE SURE AND ATTEND the meeting in the Ballroom at 10:00 
today.  This is MANDATORY for those who didn't attend the one yesterday 
or who are not out of town or giving finals!

Be sure and bring some $$$ tomorrow and come over to the Bake Sale/White 
Elephant Silent Auction to help April Chandler Caraway raise money for 
the Photography Club sponsored trip to Ireland, Wales and England.   It 
will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Student Center Thurs. 
Dec. 10.

Our menu for today includes:
          Gumbo soup
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Sweet potato casserole
          Green beans
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, Drexel made a Fresh Apple Cake.

Keep warm, (we've got hot chocolate to help with that),

Rhoda    :-)
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