[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Feb. 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Feb 9 09:59:04 CST 2009

Hi folks,

Well, we're starting off wet today, but it's supposed to clear off and 
get warm and dry later in the day.  We really need this moisture, 
though, to keep us out of a burn ban.  Today and tomorrow are looking 
really good as far as temperatures go, so get out and enjoy these warm 
days while we've got them.

Don't forget about the blood drive going on in the East Cafeteria today 
and tomorrow.  Someone's life could be depending on your donation.

The Sweetheart Soiree was wonderful Saturday night.  There was a variety 
of wonderful entertainment, with our EOSC theatre students performing a 
scene from the upcoming comedy "Lonestar Love Potion" (and doing valet 
parking, too) , Boomer Lowrie singing and playing the guitar, a very 
moving reading of some of her own work by Melissa Heath-Lee, a very 
funny reading by Ruth Brelsford and C.C. and Suzee Puckett, and great 
music by famed bluegrass artist Bill Grant of Hugo, all in the wonderful 
setting of the White House, surrounded by spectacular art work by the 
various artists of The Gallery here in Wilburton.  There was also a 
WHOLE table full of wonderful goodies that didn't improve my chances at 
winning our Biggest Loser challenge one bit, but did make me feel like 
the Biggest Winner while I was eating them!   This event is held every 
year to help raise money for the Latimer County Arts Council so that 
they may keep providing our area schools with a variety of programs that 
expose them to various forms of the arts, from music to puppet shows to 
visual artists and more. 

Happy birthday wishes go out today to Sandra Robertson.  Have a great 
one, Sandra!

Our menu for today includes:
                Hamburger steak
                Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
                Seasoned rice
                Steamed cabbage
                Blackeyed peas
                Baked potato bar
                Hot rolls
                Hot dogs
                Potato chips

And for dessert create your own concoction with our Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)    
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