[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Feb. 26

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 26 09:53:21 CST 2009

Hi folks,

I've seen science fair kids running around on campus today bringing in 
their exhibits to be judged.  One girl's exhibit seemed to consist of a 
big bag of trash, which seemed to be getting away from her, which could 
be the point:  that all the trash on our planet does tend to pile up and 
get away from us and we need to be more conscious of this and remember 
the 3 Rs.  No, not readin', 'riting and 'rithmetic, Reduce, Reuse and 
Recycle.   Think Green!

Don't forget today is Biggest Loser Weigh-In #3.  Time to see if we're 
all still going downhill.  If I'm not then there's no justice, as I've 
felt really puny this week and can't have eaten much.  I also read an 
article in a magazine the other day that if you got a regular 8 hours or 
so of sleep you would drop pounds like magic.  (I only seem to be able 
to make myself get more rest when I really feel cruddy, then that's 
about all I want to do, just sleep til I feel better.)  I don't know if 
there is some physical reason for that, like maybe the body just works 
better with the right amount of rest.  I have a simpler theory:  when 
you're asleep, you're not eating!  Maybe I should just hibernate until 
the final weigh-in.  

We'll be having our monthly PAWS meeting this evening at the Latimer 
Public Library at 7:00 if anyone is interested in joining or just coming 
and finding out what we're all about.  We can always use more volunteers 
at the pens or folks who want to adopt a dog or maybe just foster one 
until it can be adopted. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Pork cutlets
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Sweet peas
             Macaroni and cheese
             Hard shell tacos
             Broccoli and cheese soup
             Hot rolls

And for dessert we have impossible to resist Strawberry Shortcake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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