[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday Jan. 30

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Jan 30 09:46:33 CST 2009

Hi folks,

I hated to see the email informing us of Col. Bill Lewark's death.  He 
had just been inducted into the Eastern Hall of Fame back in Nov. and 
certainly seemed to be an interesting indivudual.  What a shame to have 
lost him already.

I believe most of the major ice thawed off trees, etc. yesterday.  Of 
course there is still some ice and snow in shady areas and any moisture 
that was left refroze last night to once again leave some slick spots to 
deal with, but all in all, everything seems to be getting back to 
normal.  I had an incident occur last night that was upsetting but not 
weather related.  I had been to our monthly PAWS meeting and was coming 
up the hill to my house when WHAM!  A deer had run right out in front of 
my car and I didn't even have time to swerve, stop, scream or do 
anything to keep from hitting it.  The car survived, but the deer did 
not.  I hate to hit one, since I sometimes feel like I'm almost the only 
one in this part of the country that doesn't go nuts over hunting season 
every year.  (I know there are more kind souls out there who don't like 
it either, but it seems they're hard to find when everyone else is 
wearing camo and orange, carrying a gun and getting their name or 
picture in the paper with their dead "trophy".)

Our menu for today includes:
             Baked ham
             Sweet potatoes
             Green beans
             Antigua blend vegetables
             BBQ on a bun
             Potato chips
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, have some delicious Blackberry Cobbler!

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)
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