[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Jan. 29

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jan 29 09:51:30 CST 2009

Welcome back everyone,

At least I hope everyone made it back all in one piece without any 
incidents or "adventures" to report.  I know it was pretty slick in a 
lot of places and all the local schools cancelled classes yesterday and 
today.  Our pine and cedar trees at the house are really ice-coated and 
bent over, and I had just gotten home on Tues. when I heard a loud noise 
and saw a limb fall out of our big front yard oak tree and crush a 
plastic tub that was sitting under it.  Glad it wasn't me!   I just hope 
we don't lose any more trees in this latest round of the "Ice Wars".  I 
don't know why but it seems like within the past few years, we've had 
major ice storms way too frequently to suit me, and we lose a lot of our 
wonderful trees each time.  It's sad that it takes so many years to grow 
a big, beautiful tree and only a few hours in an ice storm to destroy 
it.  Not to mention the danger to people, their pets and property. Oh, 
well, cheer up, it's supposed to be in the 50's by Saturday.   All this 
ice will just be mud by then.

Our menu for today includes:
             Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
             Pinto beans
             Turnip greens
             Hard shell tacos
             Hot rolls
And for dessert, try a helping of luscious Chocolate Delight!  You'll 
love it!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)


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