[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. July 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Jul 2 10:17:41 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Is everybody ready for a big 4th of July weekend?  I managed to catch 
the very tail end of a fireworks display down at the Yanush Assembly of 
God Church last night.  I was trying to make it down there for it, but 
things got busy at the PAWS pens, and they started the fireworks without 
me.  At least we adopted out an adorable puppy to a good home all the 
way in North Carolina!    With all the dogs that get dumped out and 
abandoned or abused, it does your heart good to see one find a good home 
with a family that will love it and care for it for the rest of its 
life.   We also took in one that had been abandoned, so as far as 
numbers go, we broke even, but to the puppy that got adopted, it's like 
he won the lottery!

With all the fireworks that will be popped in the next few days, please 
pay extra attention to your pets.  Make sure they don't get injured by 
any of these explosives.  Many dogs and other pets are terrified of the 
loud popping noises of some of these fireworks, so take extra 
precautions to calm them down, and keep them as far away as possible 
from the source of the noise if at all possible.  And with the heat, if 
any pets have to be left outdoors, make sure they have plenty of water 
and shade to protect them during the heat of the day.  Even though most 
animals are used to being outdoors, they don't need to be left in the 
sun all day.  Some of them, especially lighter colored ones, can sunburn 
just like we do!

Happy birthday wishes go out for tomorrow to our head of security here 
on campus, Mike Nowlin, (who insists he's several months younger than I 
am, but hey, he's got grandkids already and I don't, so that's got to 
count for some age points.)

Our menu for today includes:
                Pepper steak
                Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
                Scandinavian blend vegetables
                Zucchini and tomatoes
                Sauerkraut and weiners
                Chili cheese nachos

And for dessert have some luscious Peach Cobbler.

Have a great, safe 4th of July weekend,

Rhoda   :-)    

P. S.  Be sure and go out to Robber's Cave and see the annual fireworks 
display put on by our wonderful volunteer firefighters.
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