[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. July 15

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jul 15 10:10:12 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

I think we're supposed to have one last real scorcher before the 
temperatures drop back into the 90's tomorrow.  I know, I know, that's 
still too hot, but if I have a choice between triple digits and the 
90's, I'll take the 90's in a heartbeat.  Of course, I'd prefer less 
than that, but big lot of good it does me.  I'll just go inventory the 
walk-in veggie cooler if it gets too bad.

This Saturday evening at 7:00 at the Red Oak school, the Red Oak Masons 
will be sponsoring a Pie Auction to benefit the Latimer County Arts 
Council in their effort to bring quality artistic and cultural programs 
to our 4 local schools, Wilburton, Panola, Red Oak, and Buffalo Valley.  
Please come support this worthwhile cause, bring a pie or item to 
auction, and/or come ready to buy something yummy.  Chances are if your 
children attend one of our county schools, they've gotten to see one of 
the programs the Arts Council has brought in for their education and 
enjoyment, and probably came home and told you about it.  This past 
school year the Tulsa Opera brought their production of Hansel and 
Gretel to the county courtesy of the Arts Council, and this was so well 
received that plans are in the works to have them come back again.  If 
you can't come to the auction and you'd like to make a donation, please 
feel free to contact me at 465-1712 or 448-7494, or any other Latimer 
County Arts Council member.  All donations are greatly appreciated and 
will go toward bringing more quality programs to our county schools.

Our menu for today includes:
             Mexican lasagna
             Turkey wraps
             Scalloped potatoes
             Mexican rice
             Turnip greens
             Brussels sprouts
             Great Northern beans

And for dessert, have some cool, creamy Banana Pudding.

Keep cool,

Rhoda   :-)

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