[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. June 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 1 10:03:13 CDT 2009

Happy June everyone,

Yes, it's officially June now, and even though it's not the official 
first day of summer, it's sure starting to feel like it.  On the up 
side, it sure made our electric bill go down at my house since we 
haven't been having to run the heater lately!  Of course we'll be 
needing air conditioning soon, so there'll go that bit of savings.  You 
just can't win, can you?

 Upward Bound Camp started today.  They're here every summer like 
clockwork, and always seem to have a really good time.  A lot of people 
think that the Cafeteria closes down during the summer since college is 
mostly out, but little do they know, this is a really busy time of year 
for us!  We have the Dept. of Corrections students pretty much all year, 
summers included, and have several different camps, some of them really 
large, scheduled throughout the summer months.  

And for those of you who like to go snooping in little out of the way 
places, Gloria Clark, who worked here in the Cafeteria for several years 
has now opened a little shop east of town on Lutie Hill called "Plumb 
Crazy ".  (It's where the catfish restaurant used to be.)   She will be 
carrying some used furniture, new and used household items, clothing, 
and later on I believe she'll have antiques and arts and crafts.  Drop 
by and see her. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Chicken strips
             Broccoli with cheese sauce
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, make your own concoction with our Ice Cream and a 
variety of tasty Toppings.

And don't forget, our grill is open if you'd like a fresh hamburger, 
cheeseburger, chicken patty sandwich or fried ham and cheese.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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