[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. June 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jun 2 10:00:00 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Well, the heat wave is over and the rain is back, for a couple of days 
anyway.  I hope you got your mowing and weedeating done during that 
lull, since the weeds will be sprouting up once again after getting a 
good drink.  

Last night, I really didn't think I'd be able to be here this morning.  
I let some of our dogs out before bedtime, and when I went to the door 
to let them back in, our "Queen of the Hill", Ginger, the little 
dachsund chihuahua cross we've had the longest, didn't come back in with 
the rest of them.  I went out to look around and wait for her to show 
up, when I heard a little whimper, and saw her out in the driveway 
holding up one of her front paws.  She limped toward me a few steps, but 
wouldn't come much further since her arch nemesis, "The Duck", was 
between us, and she wasn't going to risk her dignity trying to limp past 
it and getting pecked on her hind quarters, adding insult to injury.  I 
had to shoo the duck off the path before she'd even think of budging.  
There was no sign of blood or any visible injury, but she was clearly in 
pain and wouldn't let us touch her foot without grouching about it and 
trying to jerk it back.  I was just convinced that she'd need to go to 
the vet this morning, but I put her in bed and babied her, and a good 
night's rest and staying off of it seems to have done wonders for it, as 
she was back to her old self this morning like nothing had ever 
happened.  It's amazing what a little spoiling can do for your attitude, 
isn't it?

Also, I was trying to take care of 4 baby bunnies while all this drama 
with Ginger was going on.  My husband and some coworkers had 
accidentally mowed over the nest yesterday and the mama rabbit ran off 
leaving the 4 babies there.  My husband picked up the adorable little 
things, put them in an old plastic flower pot that was handy and brought 
them home to me.   I've been trying to get them to take some Kitten Milk 
Replacement with a little bottle but they haven't quite figured out 
what's going on yet.  If anyone out there has any helpful tips for a 
situation like this, I'd welcome their input. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Spaghetti with meat sauce
             Green beans
             California blend vegetables
             Garlic bread

And for dessert have a piece of Cookie Bar.

And don't forget to visit our Salad Bar, or order something off the grill.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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