[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. June 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 8 10:09:36 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Wow, the weekend's over already!  In spite of my good intentions, I 
never seem to get as much done as I intend to, but I did get a lot of 
laundry put through, so we'll all have clean clothes, at least for a 

We had a PAWS adoption day Saturday, and besides trying to adopt dogs 
out, we took in several very adoptable dogs from a breeder who was going 
out of business.  My husband was there to help us tear down the tent, 
and we got talked into taking home one of the breeder dogs to foster, as 
most of our other members have their limit and then some already.   The 
one we got is a little black schnauzer, about 5 months old, who just 
seemed petrified.  My husband brought her home and sat her down and she 
just stayed right there, which could be a good  thing if that's what you 
wanted a dog to do, but she acted like she was afraid to move.  It just 
broke my heart to try and talk to her and connect with her and get no 
reaction, not even a wag.  She stayed that way the rest of Saturday and 
up until Sunday afternoon, and then it's as if she finally decided she 
wasn't going to get in trouble for moving, and she finally began to act 
like a dog.  Before that, it seemed like she didn't know how to be a 
pet, or how to react to TLC.  By this morning, she seemed like a whole 
different dog, and we've about decided to call her Shadow, since she 
blends in with the shadows, but she also has started following me around 
so closely, that she steps in my shoes! 

The Relay for Life Survivor's Dinner is this evening at the Bible 
Chair.  Contact a Relay member for more info.  Anne Hester or Tricia 
White should be able to fill you in.

Our menu for today includes:
                 Baked ham
                Scalloped potatoes
                Sweet peas
                Frito chili pie
                Hot rolls

And for dessert have some yummy Bread Pudding.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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